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Barkha's Boutique: The story of a migrant domestic help who now runs a fashion store
Jharkhand's Barkha Kumari migrated to Punjab like many do from her Adivasi community, to earn a living.

Breaking The Migrant Stereotype, One Story At a Time
Ekata Bakshi, Anwesha Konar and Pranab Karmakar Illustration: Bhargabi Ghosh and Harshika Tripathi The 'Montages of Migration' series, by...

‘Dignity First’ Is The Resolve Of A Migrant Worker Turned Boss
Arunopol Seal, Vikesh Kumar, Rahul Kumar and Anwesha Konar Video credit: Harshika Tripathi Rajesh Ravidas migrated from Jharkhand to...

The Migration Route to Empowerment
Tune in to the story of Hemant Kalindi who managed to scale social, caste and financial barriers In the third episode of the Montages...

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