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NAMES of districts and villages


Sri Muktsar Sahib district 

Census handbook:




Gurri Sangar, Mallan, Assa Buttar and Bhalaiana (on Page 66 of district handbook


Bhullar (on Page 54


Balluana (on Page 133; Bathinda Census handbook )


Sitamarhi District, Bihar (Census handbook:


Dalit Community of Mazhabi Sikhs in Punjab :


Dalit community of Baitha (Dhobi) in Bihar:


Transplantation of rice in flooded fields explained on Page 20


Direct Seeding of Rice explained on Page 23


Traditional puddle transplantation method accounts for about 10% of global methane emissions, making it a notable contributor to climate change, according to a 2022 study ‘Agronomic and Environmental Determinants of Direct Seeded Rice in South Asia’. 


Over 7.4 million acres of land have been cultivated with rice in Punjab every year since 2018-19.  (converted from hectares to acres)

Punjab relies heavily on groundwater for irrigation, with over 70% of its irrigated area depending on it, primarily through tube wells. This extensive use has significantly lowered the water table over the years.


Sri Muktsar Sahib district falls in the safe category, with water level available up to 5 feet below the ground.


Punjab received 40% less rainfall than the average. In Muktsar, the deficit observed was 55%


Punjab contributes over 20 percent of the rice grain to the central pool each year and plays a crucial role in the country’s food security.


Switching to alternative crops is unconvincing for farmers. 


This DSR method saves about 18 to 20 percent of irrigation water compared to the traditional puddled transplantation method, according to the study ‘Agronomics and Economics Impacts of Direct Seeding of Rice in Punjab’.


DSR saves on labour

10-12 person-days/acre are required for carrying the transplantation of rice, DSR requires about 2 person-days/acre


Harpreet Singh Sudan, Deputy Commission, Sri Muktsar Sahib District


Punjab Agricultural Minister, Gurmeet Singh Khudian

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